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FOWLR Beginner Saltwater Test Set (Refractometer, Salifert NO3, PO4)

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Product Description

Generic Refractometer - It is designed for testing the concentration of salt water and brine and used for quality control in research and clinical laboratories and marine industry. Its scale provides a direct reading of the specific gravity and concentration (part per Thousand) of salt in water. One scale checks the NaCl levels with the range of 0-100 ppt (with 1 ppt scale divisions) and the other scale gauges Specific Gravity with a range of 1.000 to 1.070 (±0.001 accuracy). Both enables the direct determination of salinity in water that contains dissolved salt and little or no other dissolved solids. It is suitable for a marine saltwater tank.

Salifert Nitrate - Easily test the nitrate level in your tank. Trusted by discerning reefers for years, Salifert Test Kits feature some of the easiest to read results available to each testing method. The Salifert Nitrate Test Kit contains 60 tests.

Salifert Phosphate - Easily test the phosphate level in your tank. Trusted by discerning reefers for years, Salifert Test Kits feature some of the easiest to read results available to each testing method. The Salifert Phosphate Test Kit contains 60 tests.
